Bus stops: East of the high road
The bus stops east of the high road on Nightingale Road, Montagu Road, Pickett's Lock Lane and Bounces Road.
Nightingale Road
The 191 diverts away from the Hertford Road and runs along Nightingale Road.
The "Scarborough Road" stops are just north of Cuckoo Hall and Salisbury schools (the old Mandeville site).
The next stops are named for "Shirley Grove" which seems to just be the nearest side road. They are at the north end of the newer Salisbury school site which is tucked behind the houses.
The last stops before Bounces Road are either side of the junction with "St Mary's Road" where there is a parade of local shops.
Bounces Road
Bounces Road is served by the 191 going via Nightingale Road and the W8 going to and from Pickett's Lock. I have also seen it being used by buses on diversion from the Hertford Road.
There are stops close to the junction with "Montagu Road" / Nightingale Road.
To the west the next pair of stops are about a third of the way along the road and are named for "Exeter Road", one of the longer side turnings. Hiding just round the corner in Exeter Road itself there is an alighting point for terminating buses. I don't know under what circumstances buses stop there.
There is yet another pair of bus stops about two thirds of the way along the road and they are staggered slightly with one opposite "Cornwallis Road" and the other just before "Gordon Road".
The last stops in the road are close to the junction with the Hertford Road and next to St Edmund's School and so naturally are named... er... well... "Bounces Lane" actually. I had to look around to spot what appeared to be little more than an access road for garages behind the petrol stations. I don't know if it has had more importance historically but it seems an odd choice.
Pickett's Lock Lane and Pickett's Lock Centre
The W8 bus disappears of up Pickett's Lock Lane to the "Lee Valley Leisure Complex". The buses once used the private access road in both directions but now they tend to use it on the way there and return via the now favoured entrance/exit on Meridian Way. The access road it closed 10pm to 9am so any buses during that time would have to use Meridian Way in both directions.
I am not quite sure what the first pair of bus stops really achieve and certainly naming them "Montagu Road" is somewhat silly as they are a good fifty yards or so up the road and there are a better sited pair on Bounces Road. I guess they could be used by workers at the industrial units close by or at the sewage works.
The next pair are now named for Meridian Way which is fair given the location but also seems a little unfair on the residents of Pickett's Lock Lane who would seem to be the likeliest users, though again there is the sewage works and the industrial units.
Buses using the access road and terminating pull up just before a mini-roundabout at a bus stand. There isn't a bus stop sign though. Buses start from the stop opposite the cinema entrance.
Buses either stand at the alighting point shown or wander off to one of the car parks if they want to keep out of the way. Buses that enter via the Meridian Way entrance tend to alight passengers just before the roundabout and often stand there too.
Montagu Road
There is (or was in October 2003) a bus stop, minus its flag, on the east side of Montagu Road just south of the new developments. It is just before what is either a layby or the remains of a more elaborate bus stop. Montagu Road is served by the 192 bus which uses Town Road and Plevna Road to get to The Green.